Thursday, November 25, 2010

complex sentence

i will stop and give you praise, for great is thy faithfulness.


  1. Kendal

    So your title makes me check my grammar. And I’m reminded that a complex sentence is like a family. The children contribute, but cannot survive on their own without the base, the parents. The base can stand on it’s own, but the children add flavor.

    The base in the sentence – stopping, pausing from life just long enough to remember

    The compliments – praise because God is all good and all worthy and deserving

    Thank you Kendal, for stopping me, and reminding me to praise Him. Now.

  2. oh.. and with emily's gorgeous button, it doesn't get much better.
    Happy Thanksgiving to you (we've had our holiday here in Canada )

  3. kendal, stopping with you. for great, indeed, it is. you always remind me of this, friend. happy thanksgiving! e.
