Monday, March 14, 2011

in the wash

jack washed a load of clothes
last night
(he's 11)
here's what came out of the dryer
when i opened
it this morning
air-soft pellets, 3
duct tape wallet, 1 -  red, containing $11
bits of a styrofoam cup, 7
coins, 1 dime, 1 penny
bracelet, 1
yep. he threw
everything in
and i'm thinking
on faith and glory and everything in....
the faith of the blood root coming up
every spring is like that of 
abraham who believed
god's promise of a child for him and sarah 
during their AARP years
paul said in romans that this faith
brings glory to god
it's what god wants above
all else
and then this song
take my life
take all that i have
with all that i am
i will love you
throwing everything in

and for these i am thankful:

101. a messy car - bermuda grass, water bottles, guitars, gym bags
102. french roast coffee in my aunt's old anchor hocking mug
103. sunshine
104. papers to grade
105. text messaging with my girl, the one i mentor
106. longing for my husband's return

early-week links:


  1. I love the dirty laundry metaphor (and I love that your son did a load himself -- that's a good quality to nurture in a young man!). Thanks for linking in, Kendal. Always so grateful and happy to see you smiling face there!

  2. Throwing everything in is all He's ever wanted. So true and so encouraging and so beautiful Kendal! Love that Jack does laundry... good for him! :)

  3. Isn't it great how we can come to him with everything - even all the junk/ treasures we have stored in our pocket and not dealt with.

  4. Throwing everything in...yes. Perhaps I should try life that way.

  5. Everything in...messy car and all (there's one I forget to be thankful for!). I love this post, Kendal...the faith of the bloodroot coming up every spring. Yes!

  6. beautiful. everything

  7. yes, all He ever asks for is everything, and i get His life full in return for my detritus of grief. what a marvelous trade.

  8. What a great analogy (and really cute, too)! We can't take this walk halfway, but He'll give us more than we ever imagined. Trying to throw it all in!

  9. Sweetness and a fabulous analogy. It reminds me of when my brother and I were young and he always had to clean out his pockets before the wash ;)

  10. Oh, these words are precious. I love the rhythm, the surprise, the cataloging. I love Abraham there, next to your washer and the blood root.

    This is beautiful.

  11. Now here's the difference between boys and girls.

    Out of my dryer tumbled washed up stickers, a tiny dog, a lip stick, and three bracelets.

    104? Really?

  12. papers to grade means i'm fulfilling a calling god gave me. trying to look at it the ann voskamp way.

  13. love this! I didn't have Ann's book when I was teaching...but, I don't know?...though this is definitely what it is to see:) cheering for you!

  14. I love your Jack...It is still impossible to imagine my 3.5 year old ever trying to do a load of laundry, but I am certain at least as much would be in there...oh my! and then your on faith and glory and all that comes after...i'm adding all of that to my thankful list;)

  15. I wonder if I'll ever learn to throw everything in! This was just the best today and I thank you for it!!!! It's amazing what a washing mache sees, isn't it???? Thank you so much for sharing today. It was a highlight in my day just to be here!
