Sunday, January 8, 2012

little utopia

i drove 159 miles
to my twin sister's house
on friday
her poetry in motion
as carol finley dance group
little utopia and other dances
i drove 159 miles
to my twin sister's house
on friday
nephew bounding to my car
upon arrival and announcing
in his best almostfiveyearsoldvoice
kendal! i'm building a worm
house for the worms!!!
came see!!!!
i drove 159 miles
to my twin sister's house
on friday
niece sitting next to me at the
show counting the number
of people who approached
me believing i was my sister
(one lady popped me on the
head with her program as
she walked past me down the aisle!)
i drove 159 miles
to my twin sister's house
on friday
laughing until we cried
talking late into the night
drinking hot coffee with our reading
continuing to count his gifts to 1000 -

482. chris, my husband. he loves me. 
483. a husband who enjoys hanging out with his children
484. my sister's awesome work as choreographer
484. my girl, the one i mentor. she joined the praise team at her church!
485. nieces and nephews
486. a community of bloggers that prays

linking with

ann for 1000 gifts


  1. I like this. I like to think of the distances we could go -- to move, to live. Sometimes the coffee tastes so much better once we're miles from home.

  2. Your words paint pictures Kendal--lovely ones!!

  3. Really cool. Such a beautiful gift... family. I am happy for you these amazing blessings... even the bop on the head!

  4. The blessing of being with our loved ones far outweighs the lengths it takes to reach them! Thanks for sharing your joy with us!

  5. This post makes me happy. I didn't know you had a twin! Double beauty, Kendal. I bet her heart shines like yours.

  6. I would drive 159 miles to be with my sister. This is the first time we have lived near each other in years and I love it.

  7. This post made my heart smile.

    Kendal dear the way you view the world blesses my heart so.


  8. love the rhythm of this poetry. and the blessings and smiles it held. what a fun picture/story it held within my mind.
    thanks so much for sharing it.

  9. So sweet. I just love hearing of your fun journeys. I didn't know you had a twin. Do you have a picture to share from the weekend (and the worms!)??
    Sweet blessings to you~
    Cindy :)
