Thursday, March 22, 2012

choosing joy

Testing season has opened in North Carolina Public Schools. Over the next eight weeks we will train for a field test, administer the field test, review the field test, train for the state end-of-grade tests, administer the state end-of-grade tests, remediate for re-tests and administer the re-tests. Sigh. Deep, heavy, ragged sigh. I want to teach. I want to help students explore culture. I want to tap into their creativity. As I reflect on the sheer number of hours we will spend in still, silent, sequestered testing sessions, I am faced with a choice: work myself into a frenzy, fretting over time boxes, answer documents, test booklets and data or focus on why I do what I do.

I'm over at The Teacher's Lounge today. Join me for the rest of my article? Click here....

linking with -

jen for god bumps
joy for life:unmasked
kimberly for painting prose
beki at the rusted chain for fingerprint friday
studio jru for sneak peek friday

1 comment:

  1. How frustrating, testing can really zap all of the joy out of teaching, when so much rides on the test! But good teaching is invaluable in life, whether it shows up on a test or not!!!
