Friday, March 29, 2013

a whtimanian list of thursday miracles

why, who makes much of a miracle?
as to me I know of nothing else but miracles, 
a boy, mine, fourteen years today
peace in first period and third
a smile from that standout student
home with sunlight to spare
brothers, near
moon, full and peeking through trees 
god's son sent to break for me
his bread
his body
his soul

those first two lines are from walt whitman's "miracles." i love it because i live my life looking for the miraculous in the mundane....what have you found lately that is mundane yet miraculous?

linking with -

the gypsy mama for five-minute-friday, michelle for caffeinated randomness, studio jru for sneak peek friday, grace for FYBF, beholding glory for faith-filled friday, cheryl for true vine challenge, barbie for freshly brewed life


  1. The word miracle has new meaning for me as of my ultrasound yesterday! :)

  2. The miracles in everyday life makes our Heart sing!

  3. Wishing you a blessed Easter Sunday! May your day be full of Resurrection JOY!

    "He is not here, for He has risen, just as He said." (Matthew 28:6)

    He is Risen! He is Risen indeed!

    Celebrating with you the promise of eternal life - thanks the One who is the Way, the Truth, and the Life!

