Friday, July 5, 2013

when beautiful is ugly

(writing for five minutes on beautiful)

sometimes life is ugly
like parents loving a child through drug rehab
like a spouse drowning as he tried to save a life
like children changing and dressing their father
like a mom and dad burying their third child
like a man bearing execution for humanity's sake
and the brokenhearted cry tears unceasing
that fall to earth like so much rain
and i love what joseph has to say to his
you intended to harm me, 
but god intended it all for good
and what if we lived like that?
believing that from the to-the-earth-tears
beauty will spring forth....

when have you seen beauty spring from the ugly?

linking with-

the gypsy mama for five-minute-friday, grace for FYBF, beholding glory for faith-filled friday, cheryl for true vine challenge, barbie for freshly brewed life


  1. wow, magnificent post, bless you.

  2. I love this, because it is so true. Sometimes I think we aren't able to see that beauty until we are through it or perhaps we won't be able to see the beauty until we see him in paradise.

  3. Awesome! Difficult to see sometimes, even in retrospect.

  4. I so appreciate your take on this, moving

  5. Dear Kendall
    Oh, I love this thought! I can just see our Lord Jesus pointing His finger at Satan, telling him how God overthrew all his evil plans and turned it out for good! It is the sort of business He specializes in, don't you think!

  6. So good, but so hard to remember in the midst of such hard stuff...that God intends it for good! So hard, but so true!

  7. So so true. Very touching. He makes beauty from ashes, doesn't He?
    Have a blessed weekend.

  8. Right now? All around me as we deal with a tough situation and watch God make ashes into beauty. Thank you, friend.

  9. What if we lived like that? One of my favorite questions when applied to all things gospel related. Our moments would look so different

  10. yes, sometimes life is way too ugly, raw, sad. but in the end ... He conquers all ... hang on there, my friend ...


  11. Oh God is good, isn't He? How He reminds us of the beauty that is everywhere, and how He makes beautiful things out of the most trying of times.

  12. I love this! I love because he took what was once ugly in my family and made it beautiful. "Beauty will spring forth." Thank you for this today.

  13. wow this is so well written, Kendall. We just traveled out west and saw the after effects of forest fires that occurred several years ago. New life was springing up. BUT it sometimes took years before we could see the good. so often it is in hindsight we discover the beauty. great message!
