Wednesday, May 15, 2013

for the boy who brought music, upon his graduation

i've packed his last lunch,
this boy who brought music to our home
i've shouted my last, here we go, hank
at major larry j. bauguess memorial baseball field
i've suggested he hang the wrinkled gown
(he hasn't)
i've wondered why i'm not weeping
since sentiment often takes center stage in my heart
but mostly?
i'm thankful for these eighteen years
i'm thankful that god chose hank for himself
i'm thankful that he is music and light and fun
i'm praying that as he goes about
higher learning
he will be filled with all the fullness of god
because this is the highest prayer a mom can offer

what do you pray for your children?

linking with jenniferemily , michelle for caffeinated randomness, studio jru for sneak peek friday, grace for FYBF, beholding glory for faith-filled friday, cheryl for true vine challenge, barbie for freshly brewed life


  1. Amen to that. My daughters are only little, but in the blink of an eye I'll be waving them off too... bittersweet moments.
    Thank you for this.

  2. I have a graduating senior son, too. I am not pondering this season yet. Denial? Perhaps. But I think I'm trying to make it not such a big deal. But I'm not sure if I believe it or not. I keep reminding myself commencement means beginning, not ending. Anyway, happy graduation at your house.

  3. Love that you said he is music and light and fun. So sweet! Prayed for your young man tonight. Hugs

  4. Kendal,

    What a lovely reflection. I'm with you ... I'm so sentimental. But often, at times when I think I'll be a weepy mess, I somehow am able to hold it together.

    May any tears you need to spill, come when they need to come.

    And congratulations to your boy! (Love your prayers for him.)

  5. this. this is the very same thing i pray for my kiddos. that they will be His and He will be theirs, for all time.

    that boy of yours is going to shake up this world, i can tell. you've done well, mama. you've done well, mr. hank.
