Monday, April 14, 2014

moonshine stills and other things found

we hiked our mountain yesterday
in search of the elusive
lady slipper
that wild, north carolina orchid
my dad held so dear
when i was small
we hiked the hills,
him teaching me
jack in the pulpit
blood root
but he always
treasured the lady's slipper,
it's pink bloom bringing to mind
my ballet shoes....
we didn't find any yesterday
but i did find
a fistful of flags
remnants of a moonshine still
part of a moonshine jug
a jack in the pulpit bloom
a fierce missing - i found that, too

how about you? what have you found lately that you weren't even looking for?

linking with  michellelaurajenjennifer


  1. Hi Kendal, Stopping by from Playdates. The more I slow down to take everything in, I'm finding patience and peace; stronger faith, greater trust in Him. It is a good thing.

  2. Certain flowers remind me of people and times - spider's knot - my grandmother, lady-fingers - the first 8 years of my marriage - yellow evening primroses - my aunt - gardenias - my mom:) What have I found that I wasn't even looking for? The beautiful center of a pear tree blossom!

  3. I would say I found some "fierce missing" too. . .even though I wasn't looking for it. Love your mountain.
