Wednesday, September 7, 2011

running, nutella and paul's poetry

i don't listen to an ipod when i run, but enjoy spending time with my thoughts and prayers. this evening, after i set aside the continuous thoughts of nutella, i sensed a high need for calling on god. paul's prayer for the ephesians came to mind and will be my poem tonight....

and i pray that you
being rooted and established
in love
will have power
together with all the saints to
how long and wide
how high and deep
is the love of christ

because when we can comprehend that love, we can walk in the freedom that he intends for us. freedom from those worldly ties that drag. us. down. so i prayed it for my husband and children and my girl and lisa and my parents and my siblings and my students and and and and....

linking with:

emily for imperfect prose
beki at the rusted chain for fingerprint friday
studio jru for sneak peek friday


  1. Beautiful prayer and reflection.

  2. nice...a wonderful prayer of pauls...and your reflections and prayers as well....

  3. Yes, I want that for those I love and for me :)

  4. Loved reading this and your guest post on Finding heaven today.. your blog is a spacious place :-)

  5. So true, Kendal. I'm definitely guilty of focusing on my worries, to-do list, my failures and forget to focus on that which is most important and life-changing.

  6. That is such a beautiful prayer. Comprehend even a bit of that love can make such a difference. A great prayer to pray for your loved ones. Love the nutella image! lol Did you design it? :)

  7. I am a big believer in when you have distractions... you must organize and get determined about prayer..and sometimes...many times that means reciting or repetition.
    p.s...i don't get why everyone loves nutella so much. But you go girl!

  8. Yes. I've slipped the earbuds from my ears while I run now. The silence motivates me more. And the silence brings the words from Him that I am never quiet enough to hear.

  9. love those verses!!....and nutella!

  10. thank you, friend. this is exactly what i needed. (and i pray when i run too!)

  11. Kendal, thanks for checking out our blog and leaving a nice comment. Oh Nutella, sweet wonderful Nutella. The commercials try to make us think it's good for you. Not so much if you want to eat the whole jar. :)

  12. Hi, I'm back. I was bouncing around on your blog. Reading about ed. Watching you read about ed. You are so brave. I wish I could give you a hug. These are not my issues. This is not my struggle. But, I have made a pact by listening in the past to other lies about me. Praise God for your unbelievable courage and faith. Thank you for sharing. God bless you my sweet friend.
